Snohomish County

Apply Online or In-Person
Fastest Option:
Submit your application online, then visit the Snohomish County Customer Service Center in person to complete the process.

Steps to Apply:
1️⃣ Complete the online marriage license application at least 3 days before your ceremony.
2️⃣ Save your confirmation number—you’ll need it for the next step.
3️⃣ Visit the Snohomish County Customer Service Center in person (no appointment needed).
4️⃣ Sign your application and pay the $70 fee (cash, check, money order, or card accepted).
5️⃣ Receive your marriage license, Certificate of Marriage, and an information packet.

Important: Your ceremony must take place within 60 days after the license is issued, and the license is not valid until 3 days after issuance. Bring the entire packet to your ceremony or rehearsal.

➡️ Apply for a Marriage License in Snohomish County